Newsletter 25
Links and Ressources about Creativity
Your amazing creative brain
"Can you imagine a world without creativity there would be no buildings no cars no books no clothes no internet?"
The neuroscience of creativity
"In a 2016 study, researchers found that creativity seems to depend on the cooperation of two competing brain networks: one that generates spontaneous thoughts and the executive control center of the brain that governs everything else."
How does creativity work?
"And then the third major brain network that’s important for creativity, which I think is a very underrated brain network, is called the salience brain network. It’s associated with what is most salient in our environment and what is most interesting to us."
And here are some great articles
(there's a lot more, I had to make a choice)
Unlocking Creative Flow: How the Brain Enters the Zone - Neuroscience News
The sections of the brain involved in creativity..pptx
Frontal lobe neurology and the creative mind
Connecting the Dots: Your Brain and Creativity · Frontiers for Young Minds
The Link Between Creativity, Cognition, and Creative Drives and Underlying Neural Mechanisms
Other great videos
Stimulating the Creative Brain | Morten Friis-Olivarius
How to reclaim your creativity at any age | Damon McLeese | TEDxCU - YouTube
How to be a more creative person | Bill Stainton | TEDxStanleyPark - YouTube