Newsletter 29
Links and Ressources about the Flow State
The neurochemistry of flow states
"Besides neuroanatomical changes in flow, there are neurochemical changes, right. The brain produces a giant cascade of neurochemistry. You get norepinephrine, dopamine, anandamide, serotonin, and endorphins. All five of these are performance-enhancing neurochemicals, right. So they make you faster, stronger, quicker, and they do the same thing with your brain."
What is a flow state?
"Flow is a state of mind one in which you're completely present and focused, all sense of time and competing thoughts fall by the wayside as you zero in on the task at hand."
Sense of oneness with what we're doing
"But what exactly is flow? And how can we find it in our daily lives? Flow is more than just concentrating or paying attention. Psychologists go so far as to define flow as an altered state of consciousness with several defining features."
And here are some great articles
(there's a lot more, I had to make a choice)
Go with the flow: A neuroscientific view on being fully engaged
6 Flow Activities & Training: How to Achieve a Flow State (also a great video explaining it)
The brain in flow: A systematic review on the neural basis of the flow state
What the flow state is and how to achieve it
The neurochemistry of flow states
The Neuroscience of the Flow State: Involvement of the Locus Coeruleus Norepinephrine System
A Review on the Role of the Neuroscience of Flow States in the Modern World